Bonnie signing books at First Congregational UCC.
Board of Directors, Mental Health Client Action Network, Santa Cruz, CA, 2020-2023
Chair of Board, NC CANSO, Winston Salem, NC 2010-2013
Board Member and Secretary, NC PAIMI of Carolina Legal Assistance, 2005
Vice Chair, NC State Recovery Task Force, 2005-2006
Director of Consumer Affairs, Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare, then Cardinal Innovations, Concord-Kannapolis, NC, May 2004-2012.
Executive Director, Mental Health Client Action Network, Santa Cruz, CA, a Drop-in center run by adults with psychiatric disabilities. Stand alone community resource center, computer lab, peer counseling program, staffed by 21 part-time mental health service recipients. 1995-2004.
Consumer Representative, Western States Decision Support Group, WICHE, appointed April 2002-2004.
Consumer Advisory Panel for Consumer-Operated Services Program (COSP) Multi-Site Research Initiative, Rockville, Maryland, SAMHSA, 2000-2004, Chair 2003-2004.
Consumer Representative, California Mental Health Planning Council, Vice-chair, Systems Policy and Development Committee; Chair, Older Adult Committee; appointed by the Governor, 1996 for 3 years; re-appointment 1999-2001.
Editor, Cal Net Gazette, California Network of Mental Health Clients quarterly newsletter, 1997-2001.
Agent, Board of Directors, Psychiatric Inmates Rights Collective, 1993-1995.
Crisis Intervention Training, Cabarrus County Police Department, Concord, NC, 2010
Certified Peer Support Specialist, Concord, NC, 2009
UPENN Collaborative on Community Integration, September, 2009
Peer Specialist Continuing Education Institute, DBSA National Conference, September, 2008
Train the Trainer for Peer Support Specialists by Wilma Townsend, 2008 – 45 hours
Certified Psychosocial Rehabilitation Practitioner by USPRA, June 2003, renewed until 2014
Building Employment and Community Connections, Mental Health and Rehabilitation Co-op values-based 10-week curriculum, McLaren Graduate School of Management, University of San Francisco, January-March 1995
University of California at Santa Cruz, 94 quarter units in Writing, Linguistics and Literature, 1987-1994
Master of Arts in Humanities. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 1974
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia, 1966
Annual Bonnie Schell Outstanding Advocate Conference Scholarship Award, Cardinal Innovations Healthcare, Kannapolis, NC. Launched in 2012 (on-going).
Award to Director of Consumer Affairs (2004-2011) by Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare in recognition of dedication and tireless advocacy, July 2011
NAMI NC President’s Award, November 1, 2008.
Award of Appreciation for vision of safe and affordable housing for individuals with psychiatric disabilities from Grace Commons Apartments, Inc., May 2007.
Resolution for leadership of CFAC and Efforts on Behalf of Consumers by Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare, Feb. 20, 2007.
The Howie T. Harp Award for service, contribution, and leadership in the Mental Health Client Community by the California Network of Mental Health Clients, Nov. 10, 2001
Woman of the Year for “improving status of women with psychiatric disabilities,” Santa Cruz County Women’s Commission, March 1, 1995.
Anti-Stigma, Public Education and Outreach Award from The Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Santa Cruz County, September, 1992.
“Consumers in a Waiver Environment,” organizer of 13 speakers and PBH panel, NC Council of Community Programs, May, 2010.
“The Consumer Movement,” InnerVision, Inc., Charlotte, 2010.
“How to Use Psychiatric Advanced Directives,” Network Provider seminar, October 24, 2007.
“The Right to Flourish,” NAMI Regional Meeting, 2007.
“Typing: The Miracle Recovery Skill,” PBH Support Staff Association, Myrtle Beach, July 7, 2006.
Two workshops on writing at Alternatives Conferences in Ohio and Long Beach, Columbus, OH 1993; Long Beach, CA 1998.
Co-presenter, “Writing Workshops: Why and How,” IAPSRA, Boston, June 7, 1995.
“Are you afraid of students with disabilities?” Cabrillo College, CA. Aug. 15, 1994.
“Altered States of the Arts,” IAPSRA, Albuquerque, NM. May 1994.